In 1989, the McNair Educational Foundation began with a goal to provide assistance to students to find the financial aid necessary to attend college. Over the years, the mission and programs have expanded to provide support and services to ensure that all students are both academically and financially prepared for college and career. These programs have created a college-going culture throughout Rutherford County Schools from elementary school through college completion. Throughout the years, The Robert and Janice McNair Educational Foundation has grown to be a model program for helping the students of Rutherford County Schools realize their dream of a college education and we continue to expand our program offerings every year.
The mission of The Robert and Janice McNair Educational Foundation is to increase college and career awareness, readiness and success for all students. To achieve this goal, McNair works in collaboration with Rutherford County Schools to provide programs and activities that are designed to raise awareness, expand knowledge and prepare students for a postsecondary education in their desired career. While the majority of the programs and activities are focused on high school students, McNair also provides targeted programs to middle school, elementary school and college students. Many of the programs and activities build on local, state, and national events to strengthen the college attendance culture throughout Rutherford County Schools.
"We didn't have a history (in my family) of seeking higher education, but I had a peer group in my high school and they were all motivated to go to college...I wanted to play college football or basketball and you can't do that if you don't go to college." Robert McNair
Robert McNair was inspired by others to pursue higher education. A pursuit that led to college in South Carolina and onto a career as an entrepreneur and successful business owner. An inspiring story that reminds us everyone has the opportunity to choose their own path in life regardless of background or income level.
At McNair Educational Foundation we want to support you in finding yours by providing resources and tools for college and career planning.
The Board of Trustees provides support to McNair Educational Foundation ensure our programs prepare our students for their educational path after high school graduation. Our Trustees are community leaders who are passionate about preparing our youth for their future.

Listed from left to right: Janet Mason, Roger (Buck) Petty, John Condrey, Terry Hines, Executive Director Monica Lee,
Beth Miller, Mike Gavin, Tripp Flack